We are delighted to announce that JobTrail will be working with our Pathways to Painting Program partners, Dulux Group, South Cares and Modern Painting Group to deliver 15 fulltime employment opportunities that will start in early April 2021.
We are now seeking expressions of interest from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Expressions of interest are open from 2 March to 1 April 2021
The Pathways Program aims to provide employment opportunities for 15 Aboriginal Australians living in the Sydney Metropolitan region.
The Program is broken into two phases.
Phase 1: Participates will attend Granville TAFE and complete a 3 core of Units of Competencies from Cert III in Painting and Decorating, learn basic painting and decorating skills and be matched up with supervisors from Modern Painting Group to complete 8-10 days work experience.
Phase 2: Participants are placed with selected supervisors from Modern Painting Group and will be working 4 days a week on-site and 1 day per week training and attending the TAFE NSW Granville campus where they will complete the remainder of their Cert II in Construction Pathways
Learn more and apply via our webpage https://www.jobtrail.co/pathways-to-paint